The name of this Society shall be the ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF VIRGINIA. It shall be a non-profit corporation chartered under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The purposes of the Society are:
1. To promote the study of archeology and anthropology, especially but not limited to, the prehistoric and historic periods in Virginia.
2. To work for the proper conservation and exploration of archeological sites and materials.
3. To encourage the scientific study of archeological sites and materials and to discourage careless, misdirected or commercial collecting of artifacts.
4. To promote the spread of archeological knowledge through the media of publications, meetings, lectures, exhibits, etc.
5. To collaborate with other organizations and agencies that serve the same purposes as those of this Society.
6. To serve as a bond between individual members and as a link with similar organizations in other states.
1. Membership in the Society shall be in one of the following categories:
a. Active – Any person aged eighteen or over who is not a member in any other category.
b. Student – Any person eighteen years or older who is a full-time student in an educational institution.**
c. Junior – Any person under age eighteen. Junior Members shall not vote nor hold office in the Society.
d. Sustaining – Any person who shall pay the prescribed annual dues which shall not be less than twice the annual dues of an Active Member and who is eighteen years of age or over.**
e. Life – Any person who shall pay the prescribed dues for a Life Member and who is eighteen years of age or over.**
f. Family – Any person in the family of a member in categories (a) through (e) of this section for whom the prescribed additional Family Member dues are paid. Family Members shall not receive the Society’s publication without charge but they shall receive a Membership Card. Family Members who are over the age of eighteen shall have the privilege of voting in Society elections.
g. Ex-Officio – The incumbent of the following positions within the Commonwealth of Virginia: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of Natural Resources, the Director of the Department of Historic Resources, Director of Preservation Programs, State Archeologist and such others as may be designated by the executive Board of the Society.+++
h. Honorary – Any person who has made outstanding contributions to the archeology of Virginia or to the advancement of the Society. Such members shall be nominated by the Executive Board and elected at an Annual Meeting of the Society. Honorary Members shall have full rights and privileges in the Society.
2. Persons wishing to join the Society may submit an application accompanied by payment of one year’s dues to the Membership Secretary. The Executive Board may reject any application for membership and may, upon two thirds vote, terminate the membership of any individual who willfully and flagrantly violates the stated purposes of the Society. Any person notified of such rejection or termination may request a hearing by the Board and in such cases the action is confirmed or rescinded by the Board following the hearing.+
3. Members of the Society may apply to a local chapter for membership in that chapter.
4. Dues for membership in categories (a) through (f) shall be as established by the Executive Board and approved by a majority of those present and voting at an Annual Meeting.
5. Libraries and educational institutions may subscribe to the publications of the Society at an annual rate established by the Executive Board and approved by a majority of those present and voting at an Annual Meeting. Subscription rates for domestic foreign subscribes shall reflect the difference in the cost of mailing publications of those subscribers.
6. Dues payments shall be for the calendar year. A member joining before November first shall receive all publications issued during that calendar year. Membership dating after November first shall be extended to cover the following year and the member shall receive only those publications issued after the date of membership.
7. Any member of the Society who is charged with a criminal offense, that is also in violation of the Society’s Code of Ethics will have their membership suspended at once. The individual will not be able to participate in any Society or Chapter meetings or other activities of the Archeological Society of Virginia. If convicted of the archeological related crime their membership will be automatically terminated. If the member is acquitted, he/she will be reinstated with full rights and privilege of membership in the Society.++++
1. Officers of the Society shall be a President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers shall be elected to serve for two years or until their successors are elected, unless they have three successive unexcused absences from Executive Board Meetings. An officer with three successive unexcused absences will automatically be relived of office, and a temporary replacement will be appointed by the Executive Board, until the office can be filled at the next Annual Meeting.***, ++
2. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and the parliamentary authority adopted by the Society. If neither the President, President-Elect, or the Vice President is present at a meeting, the Executive Board shall elect one of its members to serve as chairman protem.***
3. In addition to the officers of the Society there shall be nine directors, three of whom shall be elected each year to serve for three years or until their successors are elected, unless they have three successive unexcused absences from Executive Board Meetings. A director with three successive unexcused absences will automatically be relived of office, and a temporary replacement will be appointed by the Executive Board, until the office can be filled at the next Annual Meeting.++
4. The terms of office for all officers and directors shall begin on the first of January following their election. Vacancies occurring between Annual Meetings shall be filled by majority vote of the Executive Board.
5. At each Annual Meeting of the Society the membership shall elect a Nominating Committee of three members. This committee shall nominate candidates for each office to be filled at the next Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall obtain the prior consent of all nominees. Nominating Committee shall obtain the prior consent of all nominees. Members of the Society shall receive the report of the Nominating Committee at least thirty days before the announced date of the Annual Meeting. Nominations from the floor shall be permitted at the Annual Meeting.
6. Officers and Directors shall be elected by majority vote of those present and voting at the annual meeting. Elections shall be held by ballot unless there is only one candidate for an office.
1. The Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held on one of the weekends in October at such convenient time and place as the Executive Board shall designate. Special meetings may be called by the President and shall be called upon request of a majority of the Executive Board. Notice of such special meetings shall state the reason therefore. Notice of all meetings of the Society shall be mailed to all members of the Society at least fifteen days prior to the date announced for the meeting.
2. A quorum for all meetings of the Society shall be five percent of the voting membership.
1. The responsibility for directing the Society shall be vested in an Executive Board consisting of the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, three immediate past Presidents, nine Directors, Quarterly Bulletin Editor, Newsletter Editor, Special Publications Editor, Membership Secretary, and the President of each Chapter of the Society as defined in these by-laws.***, +
2. The Executive Board shall meet at least twice yearly at the call of the President.
3. A quorum of the Executive Board shall be ten members.
4. All contracts and obligations binding upon the Society, other than those necessary for the routine carrying out of the business of the Society as set forth in these bylaws, shall be submitted to the Executive Board for approval and, upon approval by the Board, be executed and signed by the President and the Secretary of the Society.
5. The Executive Board shall create and fill the executive positions of the Quarterly Bulletin Editor, Newsletter Editor, Special Publications Editor, Membership Secretary, and such others as may be necessary to the carrying out of the affairs of the Society as set forth in these bylaws and by any Rules of Procedure as may be adopted.+
1. Society dues and subscriptions are due and payable on the first day of January. By March First the Treasurer shall mail reminders to all members who are delinquent in payment.
2. Life membership dues and all gifts or donations made with this stipulation shall constitute the Permanent Fund which shall be invested by the Treasurer as directed by the Executive Board. The income from annual dues, investments, sales of publications, donations not otherwise designated by the donor, be used to defray the expenses of the Society in accordance with the Annual Budget or as may be directed by the Executive Board. At the end of each year any surplus remaining in the Operating Fund over and above a sufficient reserve to cover all outstanding liabilities of the Society may be transferred by the Executive Board to the Permanent Fund. The Executive Board may, upon two thirds vote, transfer funds from the Permanent Fund provided that the Permanent Fund is not reduced thereby to less than the total of all gifts and donations which the donors have stipulated must remain part of the Permanent Fund. The Treasurer’s report each year shall indicated that part of the Permanent Fund thus restricted.
3. The Treasurer shall keep records of all real and personal property owned by the Society and shall Administer any investments, endowments, or trusts of the Society as directed by the Executive Board. Bond for the Treasurer shall be required and the cost of such bond shall be paid by the Society from the Operating Fund. Chapters of the Society that choose to maintain a treasury through the imposition of dues or through other fund raising methods must account for these funds to the Treasurer of the Society by February 1 as a part of the finances of the Society. Such Chapter funds must be disbursed in accordance with the purposes of the Society as defined by these By-laws.**, *****
4. The Treasurer shall each year prepare a budget of anticipated income and expense for the following year’s operations and shall submit the budget to the Executive Board for approval and to the membership for adoption at the Annual Meeting of the Society.
5. In the event of the dissolution of the Society the remaining assets of the Society after the payment of all lawful debts shall be transferred by action of the Executive Board as provided by law to one or more organizations of the Board’s choice operating for similar purposes and exempt under Section 501 ? (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and amendments thereto, or to Federal, State or local agency to be used for public purposes.
1. The following shall be Standing Committees of the Society:
a. Program and Publicity Committee. Duties: to handle public relations and publicity for the Society; to arrange for programs, meeting places, displays and other details in connection with all meetings of the Society; to advise and assist as needed by local chapters in similar activities.
b. Museum and Library Committee. Duties: to cooperate with Federal, State, and Local agencies, museums, libraries and other groups to provide archeological displays, reference works and other educational materials for use by the Society’s members and by the general public; to maintain the Society’s library of books and other publications and make them available to Society members on loan at cost.
c. Publications Committee. Duties: to serve as Editorial Board; advise and assist the Editor in the selection of articles and other materials for inclusion in the Society’s publications; assist the Editor as needed in the details of producing the Society publications.
d. Site Survey Committee. Duties: to coordinate the search for and reporting of archeological sites and information pertaining thereto; record site information on standard forms with the proper agencies, work with local chapters and with individuals to keep informed of highway and other construction work throughout the state; maintain surveillance over known and suspected sites.****
e. Excavation Committee. Duties: to evaluate and recommend to the Executive Board, Chapter projects which will be classified as Society projects and to be covered by the Society’s liability insurance; to recommend to the Executive Board, Field Directors for Society projects; upon approval of the Executive Board, conduct in the name of the Society, investigations and/or excavations of sites and insure that reports on Society excavations are prepared and published.****
2. All committees shall make adequate records of their activities and shall annually, or more often if desirable, submit reports on their activities to the President, who shall have them published in a Society publication.
3. The President of the Society shall appoint such other committees, standing or special, as the Society or the Executive Board shall deem necessary. The President shall be ex officio a member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
1. Upon application of ten voting members of the Society, the Executive Board may establish a chapter of the Society. If the membership of a chapter falls below six, the Board may, upon ninety days written notice to the President of such chapter, cause it to be disbanded, if within the said ninety days the membership is not increased to the minimum.
2. All chapter rules, regulations, policies, written bylaws, and activities must be consistent with those of the Society.
3. All chapter members must be members of the Society.
4. Except as may otherwise be provided by these bylaws, chapters shall be self-governing, and may meet when and where the chapter members desire. Chapters shall hold at least one meeting each year. Chapter dues shall be as the chapter desires.
5. Chapter Presidents shall make an annual written report of the activities of their chapter to the Society Secretary.
No substantial part of the Society’s activities shall consist of attempts to influence legislation. The Society shall not take part in political campaigns in behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office, nor engage in any other activity which would classify it as an “Action” organization within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code, Section 501 C (3), nor any activity which would disqualify the Society for exemption under the cited Code.
The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the Society Meetings in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Society may adopt.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Society by a two-thirds vote. Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Board in time for them to be submitted, with the recommendation of the Board, to the membership at least thirty days in advance of the meeting at which they are to be voted on. Amendments to the bylaws may originate with any member of the Board, any ten members of the Society, or any chapter by vote of the majority of its membership.
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